F.A.R.M. January/February/March Newsletter
Our new 2016 Club President is Jim Patterson. Roger Walker is the incoming
director, along with Jim Hurst. A big “Thank You” to the outgoing President,
Larry Flynn. You did a fantastic job as the 2015 Club President. Dave
Siebert is staying club Treasurer and Regina Flynn is club secretary.
We had a great turnout for our club Christmas party. It was nice to see
everyone. Congratulations to Linda Hurst and Regina Flynn for being the Club
members of the year.
Due to the winter weather, our February Club meeting was cancelled. The safety
of our club members always comes first.
There was an Oliver Gathering at the Roberts Convention Center in Wilmington on
March 4th – 5th. The Club had a space there to let everyone know about
our wonderful Club. We had a lot of visitors and a lot of interest in our
We had a finance committee meeting and they brought it up to the members at the
meeting to make improvements to our show. The members approved to update
the lighting, get a monitor for the sled, get the parts to fix our bailer and
buy the materials to build a new announcers stand.
We have a lot of projects in the makings for the show and are in need of
volunteers to help. Please contact one of the directors listed below for more
Our next Club meeting will be April 3rd at the Warren County Fairgrounds at
6pm. Hope to everyone there!
Regina Flynn – Club Secretary
For more information contact one of our directors
Jim Patterson – 513-234-7927 jpatterson7337@hotmail.com
Jim Hurst – 513-877-2765 or 513-623-4183
Roger Walker – 513-256-5803 wctractorguy@aol.com
Dave Siebert, Treasurer – 937-603-4233 davedenisesiebert@gmail.com
Regina Flynn, Secretary - 513-266-7414 flynn_regina@yahoo.com